
Darwish 的一首詩

poetyip | 26 十月, 2009 21:09

詩界的朋友對於Darwish是誰,應該不會很陌生。如果不知道,也請去google查一查。總之,如果他沒死,應該是拿Nobel prize的其中一個最合理的人選。


A Cafe, and you with the Newspaper
Mahmoud Darwish

A cafe, and you with the newspaper, sitting.

No, you are not alone. Your cup half full,

and the sun filling the sun filling the other half...

Through the window, you see hurrying passersby,

but you are unseen. (That's one of the

attributes of invisibility: you see but are not seen.)

How free you are, forgotten man in the cafe!

No one to see how the violin affects you.

No one to stare at your presence or your absence,

or to gaze into your fog if you look

at a girl and are broken before her.

How free you are, minding your business

in this crowd, with none to watch or read you!

Do what you will with yourself.

Take off your shirt or your shoes.

If you want, you are forgotten and free in your imagination.

There is no pressing work for your name or your face here.

You are as you are--no friend, no enemy here to study your memoirs.

Seek forgiveness for the one who left you in this cafe

because you did not notice her new hairstyle,

ad the butterflies dancing on her temples.

Seek forgiveness for the man who sought

to murder you one day, for no reason,

or because you did not die the day

you bumped into a star and wrote

those early songs with its ink.

A cafe, and you with the newspaper, sitting

in the corner, forgotten. No one to insult

your peaceful state of mind and no one to think of murdering you.

How forgotten you are,

how free in your imagination!


Mahmoud Darwish, 2009, 'Almond Blossoms and Beyond', Interlink Books, 2009, Massachusetts, p. 7 


poetyip | 04 十月, 2009 17:13

麥當娜又出精選了。由於已有她之前的一隻精選,所以今次只買dvd的version。dvd可以看,我房內的hi fi也可以聽,對我來說和cd沒分別,甚至更好。

我是在她出版Ray of Light才開始聽她的歌,因為那時候看到有碟評,說這一隻碟她有很大突破。比較有深度。從呢一隻開始我就有買她新出的cd。不過,我始終沒有買她舊的cd。可能是因為那一篇碟評。說她那一隻碟有深度,言下之意就是之前沒深度?

今次看dvd,暫時只有時間看disk 1,裡面是她早期的歌。看著80年代早期的mtv,看到她那些比較「娘」的舞步,其實幾搞笑。不過一直看,我看到她的歌曲跟她一樣,一直在成長。到了中期erotica的時代,說是她「唔上唔落」的時代——她沒可能再唱18或22時唱的歌(例如like a virgin,她無論如何都唱不出那味道了)。erotica時期的歌,和她前期及Ray of Light打後的歌比,我個人覺得的確是欠了一點點味道。

就像所有創作人一樣,瓶頸到了,你如何應付呢? 繼續在舊風格中兜圈子?麥當娜找對了幕後,替她度身訂製一隻碟,甘就得啦。當然幕後是最大的原因,可是如果麥當娜沒有那種歷練,無論Ray of Light如何好她也承受不起。






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